Posts Tagged ‘software for children’

April 17, 2008

the wheel akin to a joystick

At I have posted a video showing how quickly Arpit learnt how to use the wheel to play games and even to type. In future posts, we will therefore try to include Arpit’s views as well.

In the months ahead, we will explore different hardware and software options that help children with cerebral palsy, autism,  and other conditions that may make it hard for them to use the computer in a traditional manner. Quite likely, such software should work for most kids. Arpit, we hope, will continue to be an enthusiastic beta tester.

If necessary, we will develop special software – what you see in the video is a client-server application developed using Ruby on Rails for the back end, and Firewatir and joystick.rb for the front end.

All suggestions, offers of help and referrals most welcome 🙂

